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Title: General-purpose telepresence with head-worn optical see-through displays and projector-based lighting Author List (Semicolon Separated): Maimone, Andrew;Yang, Xubo;Dierk, Nate;State, Andrei;Dou, Mingsong;Fuchs, Henry Venue: Extra: Best Short Paper Award Date: December 16, 2016 Abstract:

In this paper we propose a general-purpose telepresence system design that can be adapted to a wide range of scenarios and present a framework for a proof-of-concept prototype. The prototype system allows users to see remote participants and their surroundings merged into the local environment through the use of an optical see-through head-worn display. Real-time 3D acquisition and head tracking allows the remote imagery to be seen from the correct point of view and with proper occlusion. A projector-based lighting control system permits the remote imagery to appear bright and opaque even in a lit room. Immersion can be adjusted across the VR continuum. Our approach relies only on commodity hardware; we also experiment with wider field of view custom displays.

Paper (Internally Stored): Paper (Externally Stored): Video (Externally Stored): Video (Streaming): BibTeX: DOI: